Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I have really gotten behind on my blog writing. The fall begins new issues of the NEWS to get out and on a personal note, the final pieces of my doctorate work. So I thought I'd spend some time bringing you up-to-date. The Jan/Feb News will be in your mailboxes soon. It is filled with convention information and a registration form or you may register online at

In December I completed my oral defense of my dissertation and passed! For this defense, I traveled to California for a face to face presentation with my dissertation committee. Yea, I'm done. My doctorate is in Educational Technology from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. It's been a long journey and I'm so thrilled to be finished.

During the holiday season I went to Tennessee to visit family and friends. Part of my visit was to Nita Scott's farm in West Tennessee where I had the opportunity to ride their horse, Colonel Rey Sugar, a.k.a. Sugar Rey. That was much fun and I look forward to Nita and James finishing their move to Texas and riding again.