Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Time

December rode the winds into being without blinking. Here we are at holiday time. We have been busy at headquarters. The Bulletin with new editor, Dr. Judy Merz, has been sent to press. The DKG News for January/February will go to print in the next few days. The Jan/Dec President's Page has printed, folded and stuffed into envelopes will be mailed this week. The 2010 Constitution and International Standing Rules have gone to print ready for purchase in the DKG supply store in January. We have been busy.

Many committees have met during the fall. Seeing these groups meet and begin their work makes for exciting happenings at headquarters. We've celebrated birthdays and had a few days for Thanksgiving to share with family and friends. Now it is Christmas time for many and we are tying up jobs, wrapping packages, setting calendars for the new year and planning for regional conferences. The staff at headquarters is always busy. It is amazing how much work takes place in Austin. From membership questions to helping state organizations and chapters with web sites, all are answering questions, helping someone or solving problems. We enjoy visitors coming in for tours so when in Austin, make sure you visit us.

The building's schedule follows the Austin School District's calendar so will be closed Monday, December 20- January 1. We will return to the office Jan. 3, 2011. Have a wonderful holiday season as you celebrate your holiday event with family and friends. My dog and I will be traveling to Tennessee to see family. So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  I'll be back in January.